The Twitter Ads kit uses the associated Stats report as a base table and adds in the appropriate Entity Tables. Each kit will have the Tweet Information and associated metrics including: number of clicks, impressions, spend, video_views, conversion values, purchases, replies, retweets, follows, likes, and engagement by date.
This kit includes…
Twitter Promoted Tweets Rivers
- Data ingestion rivers for Promoted Tweets Entity, Tweets Entity, Ad Groups Entity, Campaigns Entity, Accounts Entity, Cards Entity, Funding Instruments Entity, Promoted Tweets Stats
- Master orchestration River
- This includes logic to Join Entity/Stats Tables
- Output Tables:
- twitter_entity_accounts
- twitter_entity_cards
- twitter_entity_tweets
- twitter_entity_campaign
- twitter_entity_fundinginstruments
- twitter_entity_adgroup
- twitter_entity_promotedtweets
- twitter_stats_promotedtweets
- twitter_promoted_tweets_stats (entity and stats combined)
Minimum RPU Consumption: 9
You can find the full contents, data model documentation, and source fields used here.
Configuring this Kit for use
This Kit has 2 variables that are used to make for dynamic use of target configuration. These will need to be added as global variables:{db_twitter} – Selected Database in Snowflake for Output{schema_twitter} – Selected Schema in Snowflake for Output