Aviv Noy
MAY 30, 2019
5 min read
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We’re excited to announce a small feature update which will make a big difference to a lot of people using Rivery, especially for enterprise businesses that need stricter data governance processes.

From today, the changes you make on your Rivers will be saved and filed, giving you the option to roll back and restore previous versions.


What does this mean?

On the one hand, your BI team can experiment with Rivery and change data flows or parameters within the data pipeline without fear or making irreversible mistakes. On the other hand, it won’t be necessary to save ‘backup’ versions or duplicates.

We’ve introduced this change to make Rivery’s ETL Platform as simple as possible – in particular for large enterprise BI or marketing teams that collaborate on setting up data processes.

Ultimately, we want teams to spend as little time as possible orchestrating data so they can invest more time in discovering insights that will help them grow.

This gives data teams the freedom and confidence to experiment and innovate. Instead of duplicating rivers, creating backups, etc… anyone can work on any data pipeline with the knowledge that previous versions are always being saved.


How does it work?

On every river, you will see an icon in the shape of a clock to the right.

When you click on it, you’ll get a list of the previous versions with a timestamp. In addition, you can assign names to the different versions and signpost your favorite versions so it’s easier to get back to them when needed.

Your favorite versions will also saved forever, like a ‘pinned’ version.


To summarize, from today any Rivery user can:

  • Review past activity & changes to your rivers
  • Restore previous versions of your river
  • No need to create duplicates or back-ups
  • Signpost your working versions in case you need to go back
  • Monitor team activity/changes across all data pipelines


We hope the feature helps you (or your data team) save time, and enables you to create the optimal data pipelines – automating your data efforts and helping your business get the best insights. Enjoy!

Minimize the firefighting.
Maximize ROI on pipelines.

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