Kevin Bartley
MAR 10, 2021
5 min read
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In today’s market, simply having access to data is not enough to win in a hyper-competitive landscape. Teams need to act on data when it matters the most to maximize performance and results.

And now, with Rivery’s custom Slack alerts, you can instantly deliver the right data, at the right time, for the right teams and stakeholders.


Custom Slack Alerts: Beat the Competition, Offer Superior Service

During the big data boom, businesses concentrated on deploying cloud data warehouses, ingesting data, and developing single sources of truth. However, this familiar data infrastructure is just the bare minimum today. Now companies that want to win must operationalize data across an organization, and not just collect it.

With Rivery’s custom Slack alerts, companies can now operationalize data instantaneously.

By combining Rivery’s Action Rivers and Logic Rivers, along with Slack’s incoming Webhooks, our customers can trigger custom Slack messages based on data within a data warehouse. Create custom alert triggers based on the data that teams need to act on. Notify teams as soon as the right data is available.

The business applications for custom Slack alerts are almost endless. Alert team members to new customer support tickets, SQLs and MQLs, warehouse inventory, commodity prices, or any other data that your stakeholders require. Also monitor internal team KPIs, such as data quality and product usage. But the final deployment is up to you: you can trigger notifications based on any data in your data warehouse.

At Rivery, we practice what we preach. Custom Slack messages are a critical part of the operations of our SaaS B2B company. We use custom Slack messages to alert the sales team about new trial signups, inform the Customer Success team about specific product issues within accounts, and provide other key data that our teams need to compete in the market and offer superior service.

For a full rundown of how we use custom Slack messages, see How Rivery Uses Rivery: Powering Our SaaS B2B Company.


How to Set Up Custom Slack Alerts in Rivery

Set up custom Slack alerts in Rivery in just a few steps. Watch this walkthrough by Taylor McGrath, Head of Customer Solutions at Rivery, for a step-by-step guide.


Act on Data When it Counts, Not After the Fact

Data doesn’t matter if employees aren’t using it when it counts. With Rivery’s custom Slack alerts, companies can empower employees with the data they need, right when they need it.

This is just one more way Rivery’s DataOps platform enables stakeholders to act fast and drive results in a competitive marketplace.

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