Benjamin Franck
SEP 9, 2024
4 min read
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At Rivery, we value your time and are committed to making your experience as smooth and efficient as possible. We’re excited to introduce Ask AI, a powerful tool that offers instant answers to your technical questions without the hassle of searching through documentation.

This launch is part of our ongoing investment in customer success and AI. Just a few weeks ago, we rolled out our new customer support portal to enhance your support experience, and now, with Ask AI, we’re elevating that experience even further. Whether you need how-to guidance or troubleshooting assistance, Ask AI provides quick, intelligent support right at your fingertips.

Combined with our new Support Portal and Copilot, Ask AI enhances your Rivery experience to new heights. We are dedicated to continuous improvements, and this is just the beginning of our journey to integrate AI tools for an even more effective support system.

How Ask AI Works

Ask AI is your technical assistant, designed to help you get instant answers without the hassle of browsing through extensive documentation. It pulls from Rivery’s comprehensive support docs, knowledge base, and community forums to provide reliable and timely responses to your questions. Over the past few months, we tested the bot internally with our support team, observing strong adoption and accurate results. Based on this success, we felt confident it was ready to be introduced to our customers.

Over the last few months, we’ve tested the bot internally with our support team and observed strong adoption and accurate results. In just the past 7 days, Ask AI has saved our support team 28 hours by answering 143 questions (assuming it would take on average 15 min to answer a question). This valuable time has been given back to our team, allowing them to focus even more on delivering a great experience to our existing customers.

Whether you’re troubleshooting a pipeline issue or looking for a step-by-step guide, Ask AI delivers.

You can easily access Ask AI from two convenient locations:

In the platform menu at the lower left.

On our documentation website.

Simply open Ask AI from the menu and ask away. It’s that simple! To continuously improve our Ask AI feature, we encourage you to use the “Good/Bad” answer buttons – your feedback will help refine our AI and make it even more accurate over time.

We Are Still Here to Help

Our commitment to exceptional customer support is one of the key differentiators of our platform. While Ask AI is designed to provide fast solutions, we know AI isn’t perfect. If you ever need further assistance, our human support team is always available to help.

Don’t wait—try Ask AI today and see how it can save you time and streamline your work. And remember, our human support team is always here to back you up when you need it.

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