Daniel Buchuk
MAY 6, 2021
5 min read
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We’re excited to launch Rivery Kits, a new solution for all Rivery users to access readily available data models.

Kits are pre-built data models to help data teams immediately create the right data pipelines to tackle common challenges and scenarios. 

These ready-made pieces of code can be changed or customized to fit your company’s data needs, but they are the best starting point to leverage existing data models that are proven to be effective in their specific use cases.


Welcome to the Kit Hub

The idea of having one, big archive with Kits (our Kit Hub) was a no brainer as the next logical step for Rivery.

Our users often face similar challenges across similar types of organizations – and what’s more, they often use similar data stacks and report to teams that expect similar KPIs.

By sharing the most efficient and popular Kits, we strive to help our community of data engineers and data analysts to tap into a whole universe of data models, which can be used in endless ways.

Kits can be used exactly as they are to save time, but they can also be customized to fit your needs. Another way in which Kits will help Rivery users is by giving them insight into the data models of top-performing data-driven teams around the world.

Some Exciting Kits to Get Started

From Social Analytics for Snowflake to Google Analytics for BigQuery, there are already over a dozen kits you can explore. Of course, we are prioritizing the creation of Kits based on the most popular use cases for our users. Since we just launched our Kits Hub, expect many more additions over the coming weeks and months.


Console Kits

Kits for Every Data Warehouse

Whether your data warehouse is on BigQuery, Snowflake or Redshift, there are templates that are designed for your data ecosystem. Of course, as our Kit Hub expands, there will be an increasing number of alternatives to cover more use cases and solutions across all data warehouses.

Try Kits Now!

You can use Kits to validate your current data models, think about new ones, or discover new ways to optimize your data management processes. Check out the new Kit Hub and learn more about Kits to explore how they can help you and your team today. 

We look forward to hearing from you about this new addition to our suite of solutions! If you have any questions or would like to request a custom Kit, please let us know and we’d be happy to help. 

???? Interested in learning more? Join us for a live webinar on Wednesday, May 19, where we’ll demo and walkthrough data model kits in detail.

Minimize the firefighting.
Maximize ROI on pipelines.

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