The Social Media Analytics Kit brings all of your Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter organic performance metrics together in order to enable social insight analysis and tracking across all platforms, accounts, and posts. This enables standardized, cross-channel analysis and performance tracking.
This Kit can also be customized to use any combination of the four sources above. To turn off a source, navigate to the master logic river and toggle the source container “is enabled” switch so that it greys out the rivers within it. Just toggle it again to turn the source back on.
This Kit includes…
- Data ingestion rivers for the following entity and statistical reports
- Facebook Pages: Page-level insights data from Facebook Social
- Facebook Posts: Post-level insights data from Facebook Social
- Instagram Pages: Page-level insights data from Instagram Social
- Instagram Posts: Post-level insights data from Instagram Social
- LinkedIn Posts: Post-level attributes from LinkedIn Social
- LinkedIn Share Stats: Share-level statistics data from LinkedIn Social
- Twitter Tweet Details: Tweet metadata and user account insights from Twitter Ads (organic tweets)
- Twitter Tweet Activity: Statistic report from Twitter Ads (organic tweets)
- Logic that orchestrates and transforms the raw social data to create a data model across the three platforms
Minimum RPU Consumption: 9
Configuring this Kit for use
In this Kit, there are three variables that are used to make for dynamic use of target configuration.
- {Database_Social} is used in all Target configurations and queries as the target database name.
- {Schema_Social} is used in all Target configurations and queries as the target schema name.
- {Social_Alert_Group} is used as the alert email address(es) for when a river fails.
Go to the Variables menu on the left side navigation bar and create variables for Database_Social, Schema_Social, and Social_Alert_Group. Then fill in the values as the Snowflake database and schema where you would like the data to land and the email address(es) to which you would like the failure emails sent.
Kits are imported with ‘blank’ source and target connections. In order to use the kit, you have two options:
- Swap out blank connections with existing connections
- Add credentials to the blank connections that come with the imported Kit
Have questions about this Kit?
Set up a meeting with a Rivery solutions engineer.