Daniel Buchuk
FEB 23, 2021
5 min read
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We are pleased to announce that Rivery is now Snowflake’s Premier Technology Partner!

This is an exciting milestone for us. The synergy between our platforms has grown significantly since Rivery became available on Snowflake Partner Connect 12 months ago – enabling users to optimize their DataOps and create data pipelines efficiently.

Orchestrating, syncing, and migrating data between platforms is a key DataOps challenge for businesses across the world. The Rivery and Snowflake integration accelerates data loading and analytics for faster, data-driven insights.

Rivery’s partnership with Snowflake provides customers with a seamless way to connect to all their data in Snowflake’s Data Cloud, transform it efficiently, and create scalable data pipelines.

Customers from across multiple verticals including Preqin, Entravision, Bayer, and American Cancer Society benefit from this combination of platforms to simplify data governance processes, enabling customers to create a single source of truth for all their data, while efficiently managing multiple data environments across teams, divisions, and functions.

We look forward to the continued growth of this amazing partnership with Snowflake’s talented team and will continue to provide new and complementary solutions to help our users gain complete complete of their data.

Read the full announcement here.

Minimize the firefighting.
Maximize ROI on pipelines.

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