JUN 8, 2023

The Calendly kit uses the Calendly API to connect, list all events of a specific organization, and load the data into your data lake.

This Kit includes…

Configuring this Kit for use

Before using this kit, you need to get your Calendly access token: https://developer.calendly.com/how-to-authenticate-with-personal-access-tokens

Environment Variables

In this Kit, there are 4 environment variables that are used to make for dynamic use of target configuration. 

  • {catalog_calendly} is used in all Target configurations and defaults to the hive_metastore if left empty. 

  • {schema_calendly} is used in all Target configurations and queries as the target schema name.

  • {calendly_organization} is used in the 2 action rivers and allows to retrieve all events and users for this organization – it requires admin/owner privilege (ex: https://api.calendly.com/organizations/ARPDEEDZMDUSIWO1)

  • {Calendly_Alert_Group} is used as the alert email address(es) for when a river fails (optional).

Go to the Variables menu on the left side navigation bar and create variables for catalog_calendly, schema_calendly and calendly_organization. Fill in the values for the Databricks Catalog/Schema you'd like the data to land.


Kits are imported with ‘blank’ source and target connections. In order to use the template, you have two options:

  • Swap out blank connections with existing connections

  • Add credentials to the blank connections that come with the imported template.

This kit requires a connection with the key "token" and its value

Have questions about this Kit or want more endpoints?

Send an email to helpme@rivery.io with the title “Help – Calendly to Databricks Kit”

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