MAY 13, 2021
The Anodot Kit enables storing Anodot Alerts in a database for further analysis.

Anodot is an autonomous business monitoring platform that discovers outliers in vast amounts of time series data and turns them into valuable business insights. Anodot isolates issues and correlates them across multiple parameters in real time, eliminating business insight latency, and supporting rapid business decisions through its uncovered insights. By adding the Rivery Kit for Anodot alerts, you are able to collect all the alerts which Anodot produces and analyze them to better understand issues which Anodot uncovered.

This kit includes

Anodot Alerts – Webhook to Big Query
Anodot Alerts Logic – Logic River that unnest and flattens the Anodot Alerts

Minimum RPU Consumption: 2

Configuring this kit for use

In this kit, there is 1 variables that is used to make for dynamic use of target configuration. {dataset_anodot} is used in all Target configurations and queries as the target dataset name.Go to the Variables menu on the left side navigation bar and create variables for dataset_anodot. Then fill in the values as the Big Query Data Set where you’d like to load the data.
Enable Your Webhook

You’ll need to Enable Your Webhook in the Anodot Alerts River. The mapping has already been set, so you’ll just need to toggle the ‘Enable Webhook’ function and add the Rivery endpoint into the Payload URL in Anodot. More information on Webhook setup can be found here.

Once you enable the webhook in the River, you will need to connect that webhook to Anodot. Please follow the steps described here .


Kits are imported with ‘blank’ source and target connections. In order to use the kit, you have two options:Swap out blank connections with existing connectionsAdd credentials to the blank connections that come with the imported kit

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